Do you only sell products for premature babies and twins?
No, at Effluz there are products for babies, children and adults.
We have special sections for premature babies, twins or babies who are in the hospital. We handle extreme premature size up to approximately 6 years.
Do you sell double cars for twins?
By request only. If you see a model that you like, consult with us to bring it to Panama.
How do I know if my baby is premature?
A baby is considered premature if it is born before 37 weeks of gestation.
My baby is not premature, he was born with a low weight. Can I get products for him or her?
Yes, you can get products for your baby who was born with a low weight. We handle clothes from micro premature babies of 1 pound to premature babies of 6 pounds.
Are there special talks for the care of premature babies and twins?
Yes, if you need guidance for specialists who care for premature babies in Panama, please write us info@effluz.com
Do you have cotton clothes?
Yes, most of our clothing pieces are 100% cotton.
Do you accept used clothing to donate to people in need?
Yes, if you don't know what to do with the clothes that no longer fit your baby, you can bring them and we will make an Effluz donation together with their clients, we usually donate it to orphanages.