¿Qué pasa si nacen hoy? Versión prematuros.

What if they are born today? premature version.

After losing two pregnancies at 5 months each, you really start to consider the idea that you might not become a mother or that your baby might be born prematurely.

With my story, the possibilities were endless, so I always asked specialists, my family, Dr. Google (I don't recommend it) and myself: What happens if they are born today?

As I mentioned in my last post, I had a multiple pregnancy, the babies were growing well and the only thing that worried me was the length of the cervix. If you are a first-time mother, I recommend asking your doctor to measure it. They made the mistake of not doing it with me and I paid for it with the lives of my babies. It is something that does not take much time and is done during the consultation, it does not hurt.

I was determined to hold on to my babies as long as possible, in case they decided to be born “today,” because every day is a gain, even if I had to inject myself with heparin, take medication, go to the doctor every 15 days or less, and many other things, which I am now grateful for. This is the list of the 5 decisions that I consider most important that I made to ensure that the twins would last as long as possible inside me:

  • Attending all check-up appointments without exception should be the priority, prevention is your best friend.
  • Get a cerclage as soon as possible and preferably.
  • Don't make any effort and be completely at rest, that is, from bed to bathroom and from bathroom to bed. Here, TV, an online title, books and good company are what you need. I am a very active person and this cost me a lot, but it was fair and necessary.
  • Take and inject all necessary medications.
  • Get negative thoughts out of my mind.

While it is true, NOTHING in this life is certain, but if it is in your hands to feel better because you know that you did the impossible to take care of the baby inside you, then do it and let nothing and no one stop you.

And I take these lines to answer the question that has been bothering me so much:

What if they are born today?

  • You will become a mother and you will love them madly.
  • It will hurt you to see them so small and it will fill you with courage to bring them forward.
  • It will be hard. Very hard.
  • You won't have everything organized at home, or with the doctors, but EVERYTHING will be fine. You just need time and help from those who truly love you and care for you.
  • You're going to cry and be emotional, which is normal and expected. Or you might be calm because you felt it coming.
  • Be hopeful that your baby will survive, each case is different.
  • You may not have chosen your pediatrician yet. It is a good idea to look for one in advance and look for references. In the event of an emergency, you will be assigned to the one on duty, who will probably be the one you will be grateful to for life for having saved your children's lives.

Please leave your comments about your thoughts on this topic or experiences, let's help other moms who are going through this. We are not alone, we just need to find each other.

A hug and lots of strength!

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